TV WEEK: Bent series premiere billboard...

Bent series premiere billboard
Bent might quite possibly be the worst name for a television series, regardless of whether it fits neatly with the show's tagline.

But that's the premise of this new romantic comedy which stars Amanda Peet as a 'Good Girl' professional lawyer and single mum, who 'bends' her own rules with David Walton's womanizing 'Bad Boy' contractor, when their paths cross when renovating her home in Venice, California.

The name aside, at least NBC has tried something a bit different from the standard sitcom fare with the design of this billboard, which was snapped above Mel's Drive-in along Sunset Boulevard on March 20, 2012.

And that brings another TV WEEK here at Daily Billboard to a close, come back tomorrow to enjoy the start of a new MOVIE WEEK.
Bent NBC billboard