TV WEEK: Wicked Tuna series premiere billboard...

Wicked Tuna billboard
Wicked Tuna is such a cool name for a show and makes it sound much more youthful and appealing, like some surfer slang or a new comedy show, than simply calling it 'Tuna fishing in New England' - doesn't have the same ring to it, does it?
Wicked Tuna TV billboard
That's certainly one way to get people watching the National Geographic Channel, and it also helps that the billboard also has a sense of humour to it too, with the stoic fishermen on the sides balanced out by the younger, more carefree guys in the middle. 
Wicked Tuna billboard
These billboard ads were snapped along L.A.'s Beverly Boulevard at Crescent Heights Boulevard on March 19, plus along Sunset Boulevard at Larrabee Street on April 2, 2012.Wicked Tuna TV billboard