Babydoll's ass-kicking girls of Sucker Punch movie billboard...

Sucker Punch movie billboard
Every once in a while it's nice to be visually challenged when you're out and about and this movie billboard for Zack Snyder's new movie, Sucker Punch, does just that, as it's crammed with fantastical sights and explosive action (not to mention girls in skin-tight costumes).
Babydoll and Amber Sucker Punch billboard
Each character in Babydoll's gang gets their moment in the spotlight as they do battle for survival in a world of imagination to free themselves from a 1950's mental institution. There's Emily Browning as the samurai sword-wielding 'Babydoll' and Jamie Chung as the fiercely loyal, gun-toting 'Amber'.
Vanessa Hudgens Blondie Sucker Punch billboard
Vanessa Hudgens graduates from High School Musicals and strikes a pose as the complete badass, 'Blondie'.

Finally onscreen sisters 'Rocket' and 'Sweet Pea', played by Jena Malone and Abbie Cornish, bring varying degrees of strength and anarchy to the eclectic group.

Be sure to check out these original costumes from Sucker Punch on display.
Rocket and Sweet Pea Sucker Punch billboard
This action-packed billboard was photographed at the Westfield shopping centre in Century City on March 1, 2011.

Let's hope the movie turns out to be as exciting as the billboard is.

Be sure to also check out this other fantastic billboard for Sucker Punch.
Sucker Punch film billboard