Lady Gaga Monster Ball concert billboards...

Lady Gaga Monster Ball billboard
Not everyone can wear a bra with fireworks shooting out the front without batting an eye, but if there is one person guaranteed to pull off such a look, it's the mistress of avant-garde style herself, Lady Gaga.
Giant Lady Gaga Monster Ball billboard
This arresting billboard for the pop sensation's Monster Ball Tour concert to be televised on HBO certainly captures your imagination.
Lady Gaga Monster Ball Tour HBO billboard
If you're a fan, be sure to also check out Lady Gaga's Born This Way album billboard from West Hollywood.
Lady Gaga Monster Ball billboard
These eye-catching billboards were snapped along La Cienega Boulevard at Olympic and also on Melrose Avenue on April 14, 2011.
Lady Gaga Monster Ball Tour billboard
UPDATED: Check out this giant Lady Gaga pyrotechnic billboard towering over L.A.'s infamous Sunset Strip, snapped on April 30, 2011.
Lady Gaga giant Sunset Strip billboard
UPDATED: Check out this cool billboard for the behind-the-scenes book filled with photos by Terry Richardson as he followed Lady Gaga as she toured the world. The ad was snapped along Sunset Boulevard opposite the infamous Whisky A Go-Go club on November 30, 2011.
Lady Gaga book billboard