Lady Gaga Monster Ball concert billboards...

Not everyone can wear a bra with fireworks shooting out the front without batting an eye, but if there is one person guaranteed to pull off such a look, it's the mistress of avant-garde style herself, Lady Gaga.

This arresting billboard for the pop sensation's Monster Ball Tour concert to be televised on HBO certainly captures your imagination.

If you're a fan, be sure to also check out Lady Gaga's Born This Way album billboard from West Hollywood.

These eye-catching billboards were snapped along La Cienega Boulevard at Olympic and also on Melrose Avenue on April 14, 2011.

UPDATED: Check out this giant Lady Gaga pyrotechnic billboard towering over L.A.'s infamous Sunset Strip, snapped on April 30, 2011.

UPDATED: Check out this cool billboard for the behind-the-scenes book filled with photos by Terry Richardson as he followed Lady Gaga as she toured the world. The ad was snapped along Sunset Boulevard opposite the infamous Whisky A Go-Go club on November 30, 2011.