Henry Cavill Immortals movie teaser billboard...

Immortals teaser movie billboard
Immortals is not released until 11-11-11 (how cool is that date), which is a long way off, but obviously the studio wants to capitalize on all the press Henry Cavill has garnered for being cast as the titular role in the new Superman movie.
Immortals teaser billboard
Before the Man of Steel he'll play the Greek warrior 'Theseus' and do battle against mythical Gods and Titans of legend.
Immortals teaser movie billboard
There's nothing like a teaser campaign to pique everyone's interest in advance and this heroic golden warrior billboard certainly does that.
Immortals Henry Cavill billboard
This cool billboard was snapped along Beverly Boulevard on the side of L.A.'s Sofitel Hotel on April 25, 2011.
Henry Cavil Immortals teaser billboard