Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern movie billboards...

Green Lantern movie billboard
With the Marvel Comics mighty Avengers set to assemble in the not too distant future, it looks like DC Comics are racing to get their most iconic characters onto the big screen for their own possible future Justice League of America team-up, including Batman, Superman, and now the Green Lantern.
Green Lantern movie billboard
Ryan Reynolds looks great in that green suit as 'Hal Jordan', obviously a totally ripped body with perfect pecs and six-pack always helps.
Green Lantern billboard Sunset Strip
In addition to a good looking hero, the movie looks like it's going to add some serious sci-fi credentials to the superhero movie genre too.
Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern billboard
These heroic looking movie billboards were snapped along L.A.'s Sunset Strip at Hollywood Drive and at Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank on May 1, 2011.
Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern billboard