TV WEEK: Falling Skies billboards invade L.A...

Falling Skies TNT billboard
New alien invasion TV show, Falling Skies, has taken over L.A.'s skyline recently.
Falling Skies TV billboards
Not only have they had this giant billboard on the side of the Andaz Hotel along Sunset Boulevard, but they've also taken over the major intersection at Venice and La Cienega Boulevards.
Falling Skies TV billboard
Not one or two billboards, but six billboards of the same creative for Falling Skies dominated the local skyline on May 27.
Falling Skies TNT billboard
To break things up and make things a little more interesting, two of the billboards at opposite corners have special extensions with the kid's head poking out above the top of the billboard.
Falling Skies We Lose Control billboard
Luckily this is a pretty cool creative, with that intriguing glowing spine, so TNT can be forgiven for the repetition of this 'We Lose Control' billboard.
Falling Skies TV Los Angeles billboards
It's a pretty bold movie to concentrate most of your advertising in one location, so I wonder if there's another reason for this high profile campaign. Was it filmed in the area, are TNT headquarters nearby or is there some other studio politics reason?
Falling Skies billboards Venice and La Cienega
Whatever the deciding factor, it's quite an impactful approach at a really busy commuter route and it certainly caught Daily Billboard's eye.
Falling Skies wall mural
In addition at least three of these wall murals for the new sci-fi show can also be seen along Melrose Avenue, this one was snapped on May 11, near the Golden Apple Comics store.
Falling Skies TV billboard
This new series apparently focuses on the aftermath of an alien invasion and has some pretty cool credentials, being co-created by Steven Spielberg and starring former E.R. star Noah Wyle.

The huge billboard really stood out along L.A.'s Sunset Strip on May 4, 2011, so let's hope the new drama can live up to the promise of the hype.
Giant Falling Skies TV billboard
UPDATED: This further billboard creative for Falling Skies was snapped along Sunset Boulevard on June 7, 2011.
Falling Skies TV billboard