DUO DAY: Final Destination 5 movie billboards...

Final Destination 5 billboard
With a fifth installment of a horror franchise you really wonder if there's any genuine new scares left to be had.
Final Destination 5 billboard
Fortunately, regardless of the cinematic quality of Final Destination 5, the movie's billboards are real attention grabbers.
Final Destination 5 movie billboard
The creative with the number five strategically inserted in the skull was photographed at the corner of Highland and Melrose Avenues on July 19, and the other version along La Brea Avenue at Hollywood Boulevard on a gloomier July 22, 2011.
Final Destination 5 billboard
UPDATED: Here's a slightly sunnier version of the billboard creative with iron poles bursting through the skull, snapped along Highland Avenue at Sunset Boulevard on August 3, 2011.
Final Destination 5 movie billboard