My Little Pony Ponygeist parody cartoon billboard...

The My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic gang are 'baaack' for a second season on The Hub with another fantastic movie homage, this time to the classic horror Poltergeist.
Their last 'Bridlemaids' billboard parody of the movie Bridesmaids was hilarious and this ad creative for the returning cartoon show is equally witty and eye-catching.

This is 'Pinky Pie' doing her best impression of 'Carol Ann Freeling' from the iconic 1982 supernatural movie
Snapped along Cahuenga at the bottom of Barham Boulevard on October 22, 2011, this scary themed billboard is just in time for Halloween season.

UPDATED: Here's My Little Pony 'Rainbow Dash' taking a festive train ride with the other cartoon characters from The Hub in the same billboard location on December 10, 2011.