TV WEEK: Real Time with Bill Maher billboards...

Giant Real Time Bill Maher TV billboard
It's not everyone that can make politics and current affairs fun, but comedian Bill Maher tries his best on his HBO show and apparently he can handle the truth (unlike most politicians it seems).
Real Time with Bill Maher billboard
These billboards for Real Time with Bill Maher really make an impact on the streets of L.A. with their patriotic red, white and blue colour scheme.
Real Time Bill Maher HBO billboardThe giant version was snapped on December 16 towering over Sunset Boulevard and the smaller standard format at the intersection of Fairfax Avenue and Beverly Boulevard on December 24, 2011.
Real Time Bill Maher TV billboard
If you like these clever billboards, be sure to also check out this Bill Maher Does Ask Does Tell giant billboard from last year.
Giant Real Time Bill Maher billboard