TV WEEK: The River series premiere billboards...

The River TV billboard
You know you can expect some shaky cam in the jungle with The River, if Oren Peli of Paranormal Activity fame is involved.
The River season 1 TV billboard
These vivid billboard creatives have that Blair Witch Project feel with the terrified eye peaking out between those luscious plant fronds and the green colour really makes these ads stand out amidst the cluttered L.A. skyline.
The River series premiere billboard
The new series follows 'Tess Cole', the co-host of The Undiscovered Country, her children and a documentary crew, as they venture deep into the Amazon to find her lost explorer husband, 'Dr. Emmet Cole', when his emergency beacon goes off six months after he was presumed dead. It'll all be captured on camera, so what could possibly go wrong.
Giant The River ABC billboard
Is Daily Billboard the only one who thinks the placement of that eye in the landscape ad creatives make the title read 'The Driver' when you look at it quickly, it looks so much clearer but no less effective on the large portrait version.
The River ABC billboard
Another small gripe that Daily Billboard has is the use of Steven Spielberg's producer credentials for TV shows these days. If he's busy overseeing the big screen escapades of War Horse and The Adventures of Tintin, plus other high-profile projects, just how involved can he possibly be in shows like The River.

Regardless of these concerns, these slightly creepy and intriguing billboards should pique a lot of passersby interest.
The River TV billboard
With the TV success of The Walking Dead and American Horror Story, it looks like there'll be even more horror-themed shows like The River on the small screen in the future.
The River giant TV billboard