The Vow movie billboards...

The Vow film billboard
Valentine's Day is fast approaching and it looks like The Vow is determined to charm young lovers and romantics everywhere into cinema seats with all these billboards.
The Vow movie billboard
Rachel McAdams is the wife who awakes from a car accident with severe memory loss and Channing Tatum is the husband who must win her heart all over again.
The Vow billboard The Grove
The Vow billboard
These ads, in all their formats, do a perfect job of communicating that this movie is a romantic drama.
The Vow giant billboardThe Vow movie billboard
There's nothing like the anticipation of a kiss and story based on true events to get hearts aflutter and the tears flowing.
The Vow billboard
Daily Billboard also loves the complimentary green and pink colour scheme on this movie creative, of course it always helps when there's a gorgeous couple to ogle over too.
The Vow film billboard
These billboards for The Vow were snapped around the streets of L.A. from January 9 through January 17, 2012, along La Brea Avenue, Wilshire Boulevard, Highland Avenue, Beverly Boulevard and at The Grove shopping center.
The Vow billboard