FASHION WEEK: Joe's Jeans Fifty Five Colors billboards...

Joe's Jeans 55 colors train billboard
Daily Billboard loves the rich hues of Joe's Jeans latest billboard for its Fifty Five Colors campaign.
Joe's Jeans fifty five colors billboard
The new billboard, with the model sitting on the snakeskin suitcase on the train station platform, also helps explain the previous ad from the same campaign which was a bit confusing and underwhelming by comparison. Now we know the girls are in a train carriage the fashion story is far more understandable.
Joe's Jeans 55 colors billboard
The train platform ad was snapped at the corner of La Cienega and Beverly Boulevards on January 28, 2012.
Joe's fifty five colors billboard
Meanwhile, the previous ad was snapped in the same location on December 3, 2011, plus along Hollywood Boulevard on one of the most unusual billboard sites that Daily Billboard has seen.
Joe's Jeans 55 colors billboard