DRINK WEEK: Maker's Mark Wardrobe malfunction billboard...

Never let it be said that Daily Billboard is anything but timely, as this billboard for Maker's Mark bourbon whisky will demonstrate.
Just back from San Francisco and the 100th Bay to Breakers 12k foot race, Daily Billboard discovered this wonderfully witty creative with a little help from Wonder Woman.

This billboard for Maker's Mark was in the perfect place to help celebrate the annual costumed fun run through the streets of the City by the Bay, as it could be found on Howard & 1st Street directly after the race starting line.

Imagine 50,000 runners, plus even more spectators passing by your advertisement, especially the alcohol loving Bay to Breakers participants. It truly is great targeting.
The creative concept is also highly appropriate for the costumed audience and the simple idea of having a Maker's Mark label upside down on the bottle is so subtle, and yet so clever at the same time.

It's no wonder that Maker's Mark won a Best Drinks BAB for this highly engaging campaign at the inaugural Best Advertising Billboard Awards in 2010.
Check out some of the crazy costumes at the Bay to Breakers Centennial race celebrations.