Denzel Washington Safe House movie billboards...

Denzel Washington Safe House billboard
They say the eyes are the window to the soul and in these billboards for his new action thriller, Safe House, Denzel Washington is certainly channeling his inner badass.
Safe House movie billboard
In the movie Ryan Reynolds' CIA Agent is tasked with guarding Denzel's fugitive character at a Safe House, but when its location is compromised and attacked, he must go on the run with his criminal 'house guest'.
Safe House movie posters
Here's some posters for the film featuring both the actors, snapped along Highland Avenue on January 17.
No One Is Safe billboard
The mono billboard creative is certainly striking, especially with the evocative 'No one is safe' tagline and the film title in a splash of red.
Safe House billboard
The standard size billboard was snapped along Sunset Boulevard on January 14, whilst the smaller version was captured along Beverly Boulevard on an overcast January 16, 2012.
Safe House movie billboard
UPDATED: Here's a portrait creative for the movie snapped along Vine Street in Hollywood on February 21, 2012.Safe House movie billboard