Liam Neeson The Grey movie billboard...

Liam Neeson The Grey billboard
January is obviously the season for billboards where movie stars stare out at you intently. Earlier this week it was Denzel Washington for Safe House and today it's Liam Neeson for his new survival thriller, The Grey.

It always makes Daily Billboard wonder if there's anything more interesting about the film they could be conveying, aside from the lead actor's handsome face.

For instance this movie is about an oil drilling team whose plane crash lands in Alaska and have to survive when they are hunted by a pack of wolves. Did you get that from this advert, even with the 'Live or die on this day' tagline?

This snowbound billboard was snapped along Sunset Plaza on January 13, 2012.

If you're a Liam Neeson fan, be sure to also check out these Unknown movie billboards from February 2011.
The Grey movie billboard