BONUS DAY: Battleship movie billboards...

If you'd asked Daily Billboard what was the least likely game or toy to be made into a movie, Battleship would have probably been at the top of that list.

But in what seems like a stroke of genius, with the addition of invading aliens this board game has been brought to life on the big screen in a blockbuster extravaganza in open water.
The ad campaign for the movie is certainly explosive, impactful and a bit of a spectacle.

Aside from successful toy franchises like Transformers and G.I. Joe, the 1985 movie Clue, based on the British murder/mystery board game Cluedo (or Clue in America) is the only other game that comes to mind to have received the Hollywood cinematic treatment (does the roleplaying Dungeons & Dragons count?).

Daily Billboard first spied this silhouetted teaser for the sci-fi action movie at Universal Studios Hollywood lower lot on November 30, 2011 and spotted these other giant creatives along Highland and Franklin Avenues on April 16, whilst the smaller Battleship firing missiles creative was snapped along Cahuenga Boulevard on April 20, 2012.

The billboards certainly promise great spectacle and excitement and let's hope John Carter's Taylor Kitsch and R&B star Rihanna don't prove to be horribly miscast, or the water-based setting prove to be an expensive repeat of 1995's Waterworld.
Fortunately there are some big names like Liam Neeson and fan favorites like True Blood's Alexander Skarsgard to draw the crowds too.

Only time and the box office will tell, but from the looks of these billboards, this Battleship won't be so easily sunk.

UPDATED: Here are three more cool billboards for the Battleship ad campaign from April 27, 2012.
This special extension version, which looks like something out of a Transformers movie, was snapped at the corner of Melrose and Highland Avenues.

The creative with the naval officer facing down an extraterrestrial armada was photographed at Universal Studios Hollywood's lower lot.
Daily Billboard also likes the smaller version of the Battleship logo being obliterated by the alien missile.

UPDATED: Here's a promotional tie-in billboard for the movie and there's nothing particularly subtle about the product placement of this Coke Zero can in this ad.
This creative was snapped along Highland Avenue at Franklin Avenue on May 5, 2012. Enjoyed by humans and aliens indeed.