Sexy Calvin Klein swimwear 2012 billboard...

Swimsuit season is almost upon us and whilst some people may shudder at the thought of squeezing into a one-piece or bikini, the voyeur in the rest of us doesn't mind ogling the beautiful people who can pull off the look.

Take for example Calvin Klein's latest hot billboard steaming up L.A.'s Sunset Strip, those two perfect specimens are enough to stop traffic.
What's not to like about the perfect pecs and abs on a man, especially when they look like you can bounce a coin off them, right?
This sexy swimsuit billboard, featuring the buff Danny Beauchamp and the gorgeous Lily Donaldson, was photographed along Sunset Boulevard in the designer fashion brand's regular ad location on April 3, 2012.
If you like this new creative, be sure to check out last year's Calvin Klein swimsuit billboard.