BONUS DAY: Apple iPad 2012 billboards...
Often technology ads can be a bit dull or too functional, but with a sleek, well-designed and highly-desirable product like the iPad, Apple always makes it seem so effortless.
Daily Billboard loves these fresh creatives for the third-generation iPad with its new Retina display.

Apple claims their new tablet makes everything look crisper and more life-like, plus makes colours more vibrant and these billboards really do help instantly illustrate these key benefits.
The ads look sharp, simple and pop with colour, but most of all really make you want one.

This Spring 2012 ad campaign started appearing the beginning of April around the streets of L.A., with billboards along Melrose Avenue, Hollywood Boulevard and both large and standard size creatives along Sunset Boulevard.
If you like these, be sure to also check out these billboards for the iPad 2 from April 2011.

Also check out the more lifestyle ads which launched the first-generation iPad and the more familiar second wave iPad billboards that followed.

Just like the giant fingers shown in these creatives, you really do feel like you could reach out and touch the new iPad screen.
Daily Billboard is once again impressed, and thinks that other technology and also telecommunications advertisers should be envious and take a leaf from Apple's creative approach.

UPDATED: Here's another cool creative from the new campaign featuring a scenic finger painting app on the new iPad.
This extra-large billboard was snapped along Wilshire Boulevard opposite the La Brea Tar Pits on April 28, 2012.