DUO DAY: Mirror Mirror movie billboards...

Giant Mirror Mirror billboard
With Mirror Mirror and Snow White and the Huntsman both coming to cinema screens this year, who will be the fairest of them all?
Mirror Mirror movie billboard
Daily Billboard thinks that Mirror Mirror is off to a great start with these arresting billboards which capture that fairytale feel.
Mirror Mirror billboard
Aside from Lily Collins 'Snow White' holding an enchanted red apple to convey the theme of the movie, it doesn't hurt to see Julia Roberts recognizable face, playing against type as the 'Evil Queen', to garner your attention.
Mirror Mirror billboard ad
It also looks like Tarsem Singh's cinematic version of Snow White will have more humor than its big screen competitor (there's even a hint of a wicked smile on Julia Roberts lips), which will make it easier for cinema goers to justify going to watch similar Brothers Grimm themed films.
Mirror Mirror billboard
The standard landscape billboard was snapped along Fairfax Avenue at Oakwood Avenue on February 8, whilst the super-sized version was captured along L.A.'s Sunset Strip on February 10, 2012.

If you like these ads, be sure to check out TV's Once Upon a Time billboards for similar fairytale fare.
Mirror Mirror movie billboard