GCB series premiere TV billboards...

GCB Kristin Chenoweth billboard
Daily Billboard has to admit that when we first spied this billboard we thought it looked more like an ad for a strip club, rather than for a new ABC comedy drama (maybe it was the hot bubble gum pink or Kristin Chenoweth's bare legs that gave that impression).
GCB billboard ad
In fact it's actually the series premiere billboard for GCB, based on the book Good Christian Bitches by Kim Gatlin.
GCB series premiere billboard
Daily Billboard loves the bedazzled show logo which really catches your eye, gleaming in gold and silver. It also has a nice glittery movement to it that helps with the effect.
GCB glittery logo billboard
It's especially clever how they've included the white sparkles on the artwork in case the sun isn't catching the shiny logo enough.
GCB TV billboard
In addition to the enhanced version, there's also a regular unadorned logo creative, which still stands out with that vibrant background colour.
GCB season 1 TV billboard
After her marriage ends in scandal a former high school 'mean girl' is forced to return to Dallas to face her mother and the women of her past.
GCB TV billboard
They say payback is a bitch and it looks like these Good Christian Bitches (or Belles) are ready to give as good as they got, including Kristin Chenoweth's character who was bullied by her when she was younger and still holds a grudge.
GCB Love Thy Neighbor billboard
These eye-catching TV billboards were snapped along Beverly Boulevard, Sunset Boulevard and La Brea Avenue on February 8, 2012.
GCB ABC billboard
UPDATED: Kristin Chenoweth also appears standing up in this portrait creative, which is also the format for bus shelter ads for the new show.
GCB Kristin Chenoweth billboard
This saintly billboard was snapped along Ventura Boulevard in Studio City on March 7, 2012.
 Kristin Chenoweth GCB billboard