DUO DAY: Gap Be Your Own T and Be One gay billboards...
Today we have two very special Gap billboards for two very different reasons.
Daily Billboard loves a special installation and so adores this 'Be Your Own T' creative (even if we're not quite sure what the tagline means). Seeing that 'T' made up of all those different coloured Gap t-shirts fluttering in the breeze is a real attention-grabber.
Speaking of eye-catching, it's nice to see Gap supporting equality with this 'Be One' creative featuring a young gay male couple sharing the same t-shirt.
These welcome additions to Gap's current Be Bright ad campaign are sure to get people talking and rightly so.
Daily Billboard is sure that this same-sex ad will get certain hate groups knickers in a twist, but honestly how can you be offended by this sweet and unsensational ad.
The special Gap t-shirt installation billboard was snapped along Sunset Boulevard at the top of La Cienega Boulevard on May 5, 2012, whilst the 'Be One' ad was captured opposite the Hollywood & Highland Center along Highland Avenue on the same day.
Now isn't that a great way to start another week here at Daily Billboard? Thank you Gap.
Daily Billboard loves a special installation and so adores this 'Be Your Own T' creative (even if we're not quite sure what the tagline means). Seeing that 'T' made up of all those different coloured Gap t-shirts fluttering in the breeze is a real attention-grabber.
Speaking of eye-catching, it's nice to see Gap supporting equality with this 'Be One' creative featuring a young gay male couple sharing the same t-shirt.
These welcome additions to Gap's current Be Bright ad campaign are sure to get people talking and rightly so.
Daily Billboard is sure that this same-sex ad will get certain hate groups knickers in a twist, but honestly how can you be offended by this sweet and unsensational ad.
The special Gap t-shirt installation billboard was snapped along Sunset Boulevard at the top of La Cienega Boulevard on May 5, 2012, whilst the 'Be One' ad was captured opposite the Hollywood & Highland Center along Highland Avenue on the same day.
Now isn't that a great way to start another week here at Daily Billboard? Thank you Gap.