MOVIE WEEK: Giant John Carter billboards...

Mary Poppins. Jerry Maguire. Forrest Gump. Johnny English. Donnie Brasco. Just some of the films that have people's names in their titles. Unfortunately they don't always mean much unless they have some historical context or literary significance.
Daily Billboard's biggest gripe with Disney's new sci-fi action movie is that John Carter has chosen not to use its 'of Mars' full title.

The movie seems happy to use the red planet in its marketing material, so why not help immediately communicate to the mainstream what the movie is all about, especially if they have no prior knowledge of the character originated by Tarzan creator, Edgar Rice Burroughs.

This super-sized billboard, featuring Taylor Kitsch as the titular hero who is an American Civil War veteran miraculously transported from Earth to war torn Mars, was snapped along Sunset Plaza on January 25, 2012.
Be sure to also check out these original movie costumes from John Carter on display.

UPDATED: Here's another giant billboard for the Disney movie, this time with an even more alien or is that Martian feel, snapped along Wilshire Boulevard in Westwood on February 14, 2012.

UPDATED: As it gets closer to John Carter's release date more billboards for the sci-fi movie are popping up around L.A.

These two billboards featuring a duo of giant alien white apes chasing our titular hero were snapped along 3rd Street and Fairfax Avenue at Santa Monica Boulevard on February 16, 2012.

The special extension billboard looks especially impactful against that blue Californian sky.

UPDATED: This other Martian creative, which highlights the special costume, prop and set exhibit for the movie at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, was snapped at Franklin and Highland Avenues on March 7, 2012.