MOVIE WEEK: Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance billboards...

Ghost Rider 2 movie billboard ad
Ghost Rider, the darkest hero rides again, trying desperately to vindicate his first cinematic outing.
Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance billboard
Fortunately these spectacular billboards zooming onto the scene in L.A. are a great way to get everyone excited about the Spirit of Vengeance movie sequel.
Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance billboard
With his blazing skull and flaming motorcycle, Marvel's supernatural biker hero lends himself to great visual impact.
Ghost Rider 2 Spirit of Vengeance billboard
These special extension billboards certainly stand out from afar, at street level or in the skies above.
Ghost Rider 2 movie billboard
One thing is interesting though, they've chosen not to give Nicolas Cage top billing on these billboards.
Ghost Rider 2 Spirit of Vengeance billboard
Regardless, these Ghost Rider 2 movie billboards still look totally cool.
Ghost Rider 2 movie billboard
These eye-catching ads were snapped dominating the skies of L.A. on January 25, 2012 along Wilshire Boulevard, La Cienega Boulevard, Sunset Boulevard, Beverly Boulevard and 3rd Street, to name but a few.
Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance billboard
If you're a fan of Marvel Comics superheroes, check out these other cool Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, Wolverine and Thor movie billboards.
Ghost Rider 2 movie billboard
UPDATED: Here's another exciting ad creative for the Ghost Rider sequel, snapped at Sunset & Vine in Hollywood on February 12, 2012.
Ghost Rider 2 movie billboard
If you're a fan of the supernatural anti-hero, be sure to also check out this cool motorcycle from Ghost Rider 2 on display.
Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance billboard