MOVIE WEEK: Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace 3D billboards...

Star Wars Phantom Menace 3D movie billboard
If you're a Star Wars fan it's always a thrill to see lightsabers lighting up the sky on billboards for the movies and the video games.
Star Wars Phantom Menace Darth Maul billboard
It looks like it's time for George Lucas to cash in the 3D revolution and re-release Episode I: The Phantom Menace on the big screen.
Star Wars Phantom Menace 3D billboard
Darth Maul is such a visually interesting character with his black and red horned head and double-bladed lightsaber, plus Star Wars favourites Yoda and R2-D2 are there to catch your sci-fi eye too.
Star Wars Episode I 3D billboard
The square billboard format was snapped along Beverly Boulevard and standard landscape version captured along Sunset Boulevard on January 17, 2012.
Star Wars Phantom Menace 3D billboard
If you're a fan, be sure to also check out Darth Maul's costume worn by Ray Park in the movie on display at Disney's Hollywood Studios in Orlando, Florida.
Star Wars Phantom Menace 3D billboard
Daily Billboard is sure that Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith with soon receive the 3D treatment too, so look for those billboards in the future.
Star Wars Episode I 3D billboard
UPDATED: Here's a special bonus all the way from the other side of the Atlantic, along Cromwell Road in London, courtesy of the Create team at Clear Channel UK.
Star Wars 3D billboard Cromwell RdStar Wars Episode I 3D billboard
Now that's certainly an impactful way to promote a 3D release.
Star Wars Episode I billboards London