DUO DAY: Game Change movie billboards...

Regardless of your political leanings, you have to agree that Julianne Moore makes for a very convincing Sarah Palin in the new HBO film, Game Change.

And with Republicans still squabbling over party candidates to run in the general election against President Obama later this year, it feels strange to see the former Governor of Alaska and McCain's unsuccessful Presidential running mate starring down from billboards all around the streets of Los Angeles at this time.

You may not be able to see Russia from her backyard, but you can certainly see this giant billboard for the new HBO movie from afar towering over L.A.'s Sunset Strip.

Thankfully we all dodged a bullet when Sarah Palin failed to make it to the White House, but John McCain's choice in 2008 certainly did shake thinks up in politics and this movie should make for interesting viewing.

The super-sized creative was snapped on March 1, whilst the landscape format billboards were photographed along Sunset Boulevard and also along Fairfax Avenue on February 23, 2012.

Regardless of what she thinks of the film, she should be immensely flattered to be portrayed by such a glamourous Hollywood actress.