DUO DAY: Prada Spring 2012 retro fashion billboards...

Prada brings the retro style to L.A.'s Sunset Strip this Spring season, with these colorful billboards for its iconic 50's inspired eyewear and apparel.

At a glance with the eyewear ad, it's hard to tell whether that's a tail fin of a classic car or the tip of an iron.

Let's face it though, ironing is far too domestic for ladies who wear the high-fashion Italian label.

These glamorous new season Prada billboards were snapped along Sunset Boulevard, the eyewear creative on February 10 and replaced by the handbag version on March 1, 2012.

If you're a fan, be sure to check out more stylish Prada ads here at Daily Billboard.

UPDATED: Here is another eyewear billboard from the current retro campaign, snapped in the same location on April 5, 2012.