DUO DAY: Jerk teaser and Dan Vs cartoon billboards...
Here at Daily Billboard we always try to bring you quality photos of the best billboards out and about. Whenever possible images are unobstructed by trees or telegraph wires and we make sure the sun is shining in the best direction to showcase the creatives and reduce unnecessary shine on the billboard vinyl.
However, this is not always the case and it can all depend on the billboard location. These billboards for new cartoon show Dan Vs. on The Hub kids channel are two such examples, where their fantastic creatives just need to be shared, regardless of telephone wires getting in the way.
The eye-catching 'Jerk' teaser creative really stood out, but was infuriating as it didn't provide any further information as to what it was teasing, not even a website address.
Luckily a week later a second fun creative emerged, replacing the first and enlightening passersby about the new animated series with another clever and engaging billboard.
The Jerk t-shirt teaser creative was snapped on February 19 along Cahuenga at the bottom on Barham Boulevard and the cartoon character version on February 26, 2011.
UPDATED: Here's Dan looking especially grumpy as part of The Hub's festive train ride billboard in the same location on December 10, 2011.