Around the World in 80 Plates series premiere TV billboards...
In May Bravo is no doubt hoping to emulate the success of its reality cooking competition, Top Chef, by serving up a new culinary offering, Around the World in 80 Plates.
Providing the new series kitchen credentials are celebrity hosts, chef and TV personality Curtis Stone and Cat Cora, who is the first and only female 'Iron Chef' on the Food Network's Iron Chef America.
These fun billboards for the internationally themed cooking contest were snapped around the streets of L.A. from April 11 to 18, 2012.
If you're a foodie TV fan, be sure to also check out these billboards for Top Chef and The Next Iron Chef.
Providing the new series kitchen credentials are celebrity hosts, chef and TV personality Curtis Stone and Cat Cora, who is the first and only female 'Iron Chef' on the Food Network's Iron Chef America.
These fun billboards for the internationally themed cooking contest were snapped around the streets of L.A. from April 11 to 18, 2012.
If you're a foodie TV fan, be sure to also check out these billboards for Top Chef and The Next Iron Chef.