TV WEEK: Spartacus Vengeance billboards...

Even though it's a pleasure to see these fantastic billboards for Spartacus: Vengeance around the streets of L.A., there's a certain sadness knowing that Liam McIntyre will be filling the loincloth of the slave-turned-champion-gladiator played by Andy Whitfield, who tragically passed away of cancer aged 39.

Be sure to check out the hunky original actor in the billboard for Starz Spartacus: Blood and Sand series.

Fortunately it looks like the new actor has the muscle, sweat and sex appeal to be a worthy replacement in this blood-soaked and sensual Roman era epic.

The giant billboard for the new series was snapped towering over Sunset & Vine in Hollywood on January 2.

The two other landscape billboard formats showing more of the bloody battle in the background were photographed along Sunset Boulevard and Highland Avenue on January 17, 2012.

If you like this ad, be sure to also check out the billboard for the prequel mini-series Spartacus: Gods of the Arena.

If you're a fan of the original movie starring Kirk Douglas, be sure to check out these actual costumes and props on display from 1960's Spartacus.