Giant Johnny Depp Captain Jack Sparrow billboard...

Johnny Depp fans will love this giant billboard of the enigmatic star, who returns to the big screen as 'Captain Jack Sparrow' in Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.
Even though the fourth installment of the popular movie franchise will see him take on mermaids and zombies, this pirate looks as calm and collected as ever.

Be sure to also check out this other Captain Jack Sparrow billboard and giant skull and crossbones teaser for On Stranger Tides, plus these original costumes and props from the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

This new billboard was snapped along Wilshire Boulevard in Westwood on April 30, 2011.
If you're a fan of the actor, be sure to check out Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter billboards and Public Enemies billboards.

UPDATED: In recent days a new giant billboard featuring Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow has been installed along L.A.'s Sunset Strip and was photographed on May 10, 2011.