TRIO DAY: Green Lantern movie billboards...

Green Lantern Corps billboard
'Hal Jordan' and the Green Lantern Corps have invaded the skies of L.A., or at least that's how it feels at the moment with this trio of fantastic billboards for the movie lining the streets of Los Angeles in the build up to the DC Comics superhero movie's cinematic debut.
Green Lantern movie billboard
Ryan Reynolds looks fantastic as the human Green Lantern amongst an intergalactic police force of ring-wielding aliens, in a movie that looks like it's not shying away from its comic book or sci-fi heritage.
Green Lantern Corps billboard
These arresting and vibrant movie billboards were snapped along La Cienega Boulevard, Beverly Boulevards and Melrose Avenue on May 27.
Hal Jordan Green Lantern billboard
Daily Billboard thinks this is one of the strongest movie billboard campaigns to date this year and believes it may already be a contender for the BABs next year (Best Advertising Billboard Awards).
Green Lantern Corps movie billboard
UPDATED: This slightly different, but equally arresting, format of the Green Lantern Corps billboard was snapped along Wilshire Boulevard on June 14, 2011.Green Lantern Corps billboardIn Brightest Day. In Blackest Night. Now we all know who to call.
Green Lantern Corps billboard