TV WEEK: Dexter season six billboards...
There's something about a show which has a serial killer as its star that lends itself to creative visuals every season for Dexter.
This 'Avenging angel' billboard with Michael C. Hall sporting blood splatter wings is extremely arresting and perfectly captures the themes of the Showtime drama in its sixth season.
This eye-catching Dexter billboard was snapped along Sunset Boulevard at the top of La Cienega Boulevard on September 13, 2011.
Be sure to also check out these cool billboards for Dexter season three, season four and season five.
UPDATED: Here's another billboard for the sixth season snapped further west along Sunset Boulevard on November 2, 2011.
UPDATED: Daily Billboard also spied this slightly different portrait creative, with Dexter holding a knife between clasped hands as if praying, along 7th Avenue near New York's Times Square on November 5, 2011.